


Discover Your Inner Oasis at Body and Soul Studios !

We are Wellness Redefined in the Heart of the Catskills.





Your Journey to Inner Peace awaits you...


We help individuals rediscover their inner balance and well-being, guiding them on a transformative journey to reconnect with mind, body, and soul.

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Hi! I’m Monica and I am thrilled you’re here! 

Body and Soul Studios is a place for you to restore your mind, body and soul.

Nestled in the foothills of the Catskills Mountains in New York, minutes from the famous town of Bethel, where the original Woodstock was held, lies a hidden oasis.

A place to de-stress from the pressures of every-day life and connect with nature. Come for one of our many workshops and retreats and meet like minded friends. Classes include Yoga, Breathwork, Singing Bowls, Nia Dance, Drumming and more.

Experience the feeling of bliss in a setting that will enhance your senses and awaken your spirit. Body and Soul Studio is a place you will want to revisit over and over again.


Psst...Take a moment to breathe before you scroll on...

Inhale as the circle expands & exhale as it shrinks. Stay as long as you need to.


Harmony in the Hills:
Where Nature Meets Nurture


Embark on a transformative journey with Body and Soul Studios' curated events, designed to elevate your well-being and enrich your connection with nature. Our upcoming workshops and retreats invite you to immerse yourself in yoga amidst the scenic Catskills, explore the therapeutic resonance of singing bowls, and unleash your spirit through drumming or Nia Dance. These events create a sense of community against Woodstock's historic backdrop, offering you the opportunity to forge meaningful connections. Join us in crafting moments of profound well-being and joy.

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Our 1:1 services at Body and Soul Studios are carefully crafted to ignite personal growth and well-being. Whether you choose Reflexology for a deeply relaxing experience, Coaching to map out your path to success, or Naturopathic Wellness Therapy for holistic healing, each session is a step towards your best self. With our expert practitioners and personalized approach, you'll embark on a journey of transformation, moving from where you are now to where you truly desire to be. Experience the power of our services and rediscover a life filled with balance, purpose, and vitality. 


Monica taught me many things during our work together. She taught me how to set goals, enforced the fact that I needed to say positive affirmations, how to overcome fear, to think positively, and how to set strategies for coping with things in life. I enjoyed working with Monica because she encouraged me, she made me get out of my comfort zone, she listened, was always positive, was compassionate, and a challenger. She asked me hard questions but that is what I asked of her and it made me a better person. I have been enriched by working with and knowing Monica. She is an incredible woman, an incredible motivator, and I am very grateful to know her and to have her in my life.

Tracy Westerlund

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I have been privileged to have gotten to know Monica Bennett over the last 2 years. We have engaged in many spiritual and mind provoking conversations. I have always found her to be uplifting, inspiring and enlightening. I have also been present for her speaking engagements. She knows how to engage the audience and motivates them to want to be better people. She speaks from the heart, and touches on subjects that really expand ones consciousness. I believe she is one of the great communicators of our time and will help bring peace and harmony to all who come in contact with her.

Rabbi Bennett Herman
Temple Emanu-el of Long Beach

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Monica is a loving and spiritual person and a wonderful healer and coach. We first met at a Spirit in Leadership Conference at Peace Village and have kept in touch since.. She attended that workshop for personal growth and is always seeking to improve herself. We have kept in touch ever since and she has volunteered her time and energy for our new non-profit Foundation: www.icanstilldothat.org.

Dan Schneider

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Monica is a spirited and positive life coach and reflexologist. She has amazing energy and insight. She is talented gracious and great at anything she does. She is consistently watching out for her client needs and eager to help with whatever she needs to do to assist her clients and friends. She is an asset wherever goes and with whatever she does!

June Hochburg

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There are many coaches available, but Monica is one of the best. She coached me for more than 5 months and I had many significant breakthroughs. She maintains a great balance of liveliness, caring and depth. Monica was 100% professional and surprisingly helpful; I recommend her to everyone.

Chris Curran

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Monica has been instrumental in my life as far as helping me through difficult times. Her guiding light shines through in her coaching and makes you feel so much better about your situation, helping you to realize that you can do this . I recommend her highly as a Life Coach.
She is dedicated and very caring and never gives up, truly a gentle and compassionate person. I am blessed to know her...

Carol Madigan

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Having Monica as a coach has been an awesome experience, she truly has the ability to see
where help is needed, and has the ability to help navigate you through higher frequencies.

Tony Celenza

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Now more than ever, we all need help navigating life. Tune in to Life Coach Radio with Master Life Coaches, Kathleen Martin, LOACC and Dr. Monica Bennett along with guest experts sharing practical wisdom about how you can live your best life no matter what. You will learn how to create a new mindset for happiness, health and success using proven and effective life changing tools, techniques, processes and practices to experience real results.

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Discover Your Inner Oasis at Body and Soul Studios – Wellness Redefined in the Heart of the Catskills

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Discover Your Inner Oasis at Body and Soul Studios !

We are Wellness Redefined in the Heart of the Catskills.

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Listen to the latest Anxiety Warriors Podcast Episode!

Body and Soul Studios – Nurturing Nature, Nourishing Lives.


